Saturday, July 22, 2017

Grameenphone Balance Transfer


Grameenphone Balance Transfer system Balance Transfer is Easy Now.

Just few steps you can transfer balance.

Write Regi and sent to 1000.

You will get a 4 digits pin.

Now write like this:

Btr Ammount Desire number Pin

Example: Btr 50 017xxxxxxxx 1111

And sent to 1000

You can also change pin.

Type cpin oldpin newpin newpin

example:- cpin 1234 4321 4321

and sent to 1000


Keep the pin secret for future use.

You can transfer BDT50 to 100, maximum 10 times in a month.

2 taka charge applicable. (vat+sd+sc applicable)

Now-a-days grameenphone has pause this service for some connection.

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